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Sweet Honey - be adorned one last time

Please hold a place for me in your heart.

Shrine a Day - Sweet Honey

I listened to Tracy Chapman today and landed on ‘The Promise’ which led me to my first SAD (Shrine A Day) entry… take a listen and weep.

I don’t know you, Sweet Honey. But your daughter came by, braided your hair. You praise her and say, “Darlin you sure know what you’re doin’ with the beads.” She must have learned from you. Or maybe from a friend.  She brought soup and insisted you eat. You took a few bites. For her.


Your daughter called 911, rolled you over to lift your arms. You could barely get air. The EMTs arrived, got you into the ambulance. Your daughter noticed the comb and soup, still on the coffee table from the day before and centers herself on the words, “Your mama’s always your mama, even after she dies. She makes that vow, when you take your first breath, at that moment, it’s just you and your mama”.

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