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Approach to End of Life

Strength and Healing Can Be Found in Life's Most Difficult Situations

Banner Endings’ doulas approach to end of life is based on the fact that we are all caregivers and we are all seekers of healing.


With a doula’s guidance you will experience healing that is inspired and motivated by the preciousness of human life and by the fact that we will all die even though we don’t know when.


Whether you have a life threatening illness or not, the approach to end if life is the same.


If you are confronted with a life-threatening illness or fraility, you can find essential conscious and compassionate support for deep healing.


For everyone else, you can investigate mortality and life’s gifts that allow you to lead a fuller, richer life with more courage and less fear.


This can be done through face-to-face, telephone, and online opportunities for deep exploration of healing. The services, practices, and guidance offered are tailored to each individual.

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Banner Ending’s  death doulas teach useful perspectives by:

  • Harnessing the wisdom gathered from decades of guiding the dying
  • Practical hands-on help,  and
  • Intensive devotion to our practices and work

When you are ready, please text or call 785-550-8143 or 785-410-8893.

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