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Be Ready By Living Fully

You cannot truly live the most fulfilling life, unless you have a relationship with death.

Even while healthy and vibrant we can cultivate our relationship with death. This can be done simply by saying, “I love this life, no matter what,” or   “I am grateful.” How easy! Checking in with life this way actually prepares us for death, and ironically helps us to be ready and live fully.


We cannot predict what encountering illness or dying will be like or what it will awaken in us. But we do know it will result in profound change.


“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance. ” ~Alan Watts


Welcome to the Dance-Live Fully

Since death has been removed from family, community, and society, and  instead transferred to health care organizations and funeral homes, we are missing out on the profound wisdom that comes at end of life.


Doula care helps rediscover this lost knowledge, so that you may experience the natural honoring of the life-death-life circle.






The following video by Frank Ostaseski is a great guide to opening your true self to a dialog with death NOW, so that you are ready every day to love your life, no matter what.

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