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Why Not Now?

At the End of the Day - Be Fulfilled

Since the onset of COVID-19 I’ve started wondering about the role of the End-of-Life Doula, which led me to ponder the idea of an End-of-the-Day Doula. Why wait until our time becomes compressed and fleeting? What would happen if we lived each moment in a way that prepared us for the instinctive desires all people have at the end of their lives:


We desire forgiveness

We want our lives to have meant something

We desire remembrance


The pandemic has been difficult, divisive, and laden with fear and grief. But most importantly it has pushed the reality upon us, our lives on Earth are temporary AND our lives are sacred. But in this chaos might we find the grace to ask, “What if we acted on the single most message that this chaos is giving us?”  Build meaning in every moment!


Ah ha! Where to start? In doula practice we help patients move away from the hamster wheel thoughts of their busy brains and instead simply ask them to find their heartbeat. The heart has it’s own wisdom. We acknowledge this when we say, “Trust your heart”, “The Answer is in your Heart”.


What is our heart saying about forgiveness, remembrance, and meaning? We challenge you to  be your own End-of-the-Day Doula.


Practice! kindness and forgiveness.

Be ready! in every moment.

Do your drill! find your heart in your actions.


We know that people who live this way are ready and able to embrace death when their life on Earth is closing. The fear and uncertainty of COVID-19, disease, frailty, or sudden death are mitigated by how we live our lives.


When we live the life we're given we're not afraid to die...

Forever I will move like the world that turns beneath me
And when I lose my direction I’ll look up to the sky
And when the black cloak drags upon the ground
I’ll be ready to surrender, and remember
Well we’re all in this together
If I live the life I’m given, I won’t be scared to die

The littlest things that you brought into the world render peace in your final moments of life.

You Render Your Own Life

“Don’t be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others.

Unfold your own myth.” – Rumi

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