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Dissolve in the Sky , for an Introvert

I am Relieved. The Neighbor Downstairs was Willing to Take my Cat.

Take care of my cat
The contents describing the photo in this blog post is completely fabricated, as is the photo. I use creative works to arrange images to symbolically  represent the lives of our human family who have died alone from covid-19. We see and hear about people who are dying from covid, but our relationship to them is anonymous. Still we feel the loss. So I make the shrines from imagined situations, because, at least for me,  it serves as a way to collectively honor those lives.

During Covid I am discovering the range of tolerances people have for being shut in.  Most introverts are doing well!


So I made this shrine to introverts that may die from corona virus. Perhaps as masters of introspection, they are the best positioned for the journey of dying alone. In fact, some people purposely choose to die alone.

— Virginia Woolf, from a diary entry dated 1 July 1918.


Person: How are you feeling today?


Virginia Woolf: … Truth is, I feel all shadows of the universe multiplied deep inside my skin. (Isn’t it all dust and ashes?) I am impressed by the transitoriness of human life to such an extent that I am often saying a farewell…and my heart currently resembles the ashes of my cigarettes; In fact, I’m in the mood to dissolve in the sky.

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