Live the life you want with grace and dignity.
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The littlest things that you brought into the world render peace in your final moments of life.

Behind the story of a life is the person who lives that life. That story’s chapters comprise a lifetime of relationships and events. The culmination resides in the core self of  the individual and defines these three needs all people have at the closing of their lives on Earth.


They are:

#1. a need for forgiveness

#2. a need for remembrance

#3. a need to know their life was meaningful

"My entire life flashed before my eyes."

We’ve all heard about incidences when a person is closing in on the end of their life, perhaps through an illness or accident, they suddenly sense that their life could be ending and say, “My whole life flashed before my eyes.”


This is called a life review, and it doesn’t take a sudden brush with death to initiate one. In fact, there are many times during our lives when we review where we’ve been and ask what does this mean. However, at end of life, the life review is compressed, just as time on Earth is compressed. Doulas  help people discover their legacy and put it into a meaningful form. It is a positive step toward meeting death with peace and acceptance.

Daily Legacy Questions

Your story is your legacy
Your story is your legacy

Journals and Letters are Legacy Practices

Journaling consistently touches your legacy
Journaling consistently touches your legacy

Honor Someone Else's Legacy

plague boat shrine
You told me I was a hot shot. Maybe you were right.
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